We strive to provide same-day delivery within Oman, usually within one to three business days of placing an order. However, delivery times may vary depending on factors such as delivery issues or product availability.
Delivery fees start at OMR 1.5 within Oman and vary by country.
Yes, we deliver inside and outside Oman.
Yes, we deliver across Oman.
We offer the following payment options:
Debit/Credit Card Payment
Cash on Delivery
Currently, we only do delivery, but you can also visit your nearest branch and shop there.
With the exception of linens, cosmetics and personal care products, all products are covered under the standard product warranty as stated in the warranty terms and conditions.
We have a standard 14-day return policy. Conditions apply, and some items such as cosmetics, personal care and linen products are not returnable for hygiene reasons.
Yes the address can be changed by calling our contact support number.
Yes, we adhere to the highest standards of payment security. Our Payment Gateway is 3D secured and is Visa verified and MasterCard secured. Your card details are not stored on our website.
Yes, all goods sold by Salman Stores are original and sourced from verified suppliers. We do not sell any counterfeit products, and most of our items come with a 1-year warranty.